Lip Filler Dissolving (Hyaluronidase)

Hyaluronidase is an injectable enzyme which rapidly breaks down filler. It is effective for treating any poorly placed filler, overfilled lips or lip filler migration. Treatment is available for suitable clients. Please get in touch for more details.
A skin patch test is carried out and observed for 30 minutes. If the patch test displays any redness/irritation, the treatment cannot be carried out.
If all is OK, the lips are injected with hyaluronidase to target and dissolve the unwanted filler. The lips are then firmly massaged to ensure the hyaluronidase spreads.
Topical numbing cream is applied and left on the lips for at least 30 minutes. You may also opt for a dental block for further numbing, this is a small additional cost.
Oftentimes only one dissolve session is required. However, if the area has large areas of migration or a lot of filler, further dissolve sessions may be needed.
Yes! Dissolving unwanted or migrated lip filler allows you to start over and create beautiful lips. Waiting a minimum of two weeks after dissolving allows us to ensure that the hyaluronidase has finished breaking down the previous filler before adding new filler.
There will most likely be some bruising and swelling. The hyaluronidase starts to break down the filler immediately and so a reduction in size will continue over the next few weeks.